
Northern Dales Membership

The Northern Dales Richard III Group includes members not just from all over the North of England, but right across the UK too. Members are warmly invited to any in-person meetings you might wish or be able to attend, including our biennial Study Day in April. We encourage all our members to join in some element of ‘growing our knowledge’ of Richard III and his life and times, including where possible: original research, volunteering to lead a talk at a meeting or getting involved in broader activities, such as educational talks for primary schools. But if you are happiest simply attending our meetings and/or receiving our monthly Meeting Notes, that’s fine by us too!

Beverley Holland founded the Group in 2013 with Kim Harding, who is now our Chair and Secretary. Our Treasurer is Avril Allan, our Vice-Chair and Librarian is Sheila Wren and our Membership Officer is Bridget Gunston.

Membership – £10 – runs from January-December (those joining the NDRIIIG between Sept and Dec will receive 12-15 months’ membership); members receive a subscription renewal reminder each December. Your membership includes emailed or hard-copy Meeting Notes after each meeting, £5 discount on one Study Day ticket, a lower purchase price of £5 for ‘Richard III’s North’, and possible subsidy for travel costs on any NDRIIIG outings. You also receive our enamelled NDRIIIG badge. Replacement badges (for members only) are £3.

If you would like to know more about the group, please contact Kim

To join our group and pay by Bank Transfer only, please print and complete the downloadable Membership Form here and return to Bridget

If you would like to pay by personal cheque please request a membership form from Bridget

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